Let's work together!

Are you ready to start our journey together?

Choose your path below!


- This is where we flesh out a single aspect of your story.

This is where we flesh out a single aspect of your story.

Are you having trouble:

  • Writing your opening chapter?
  • Figuring out which parts of your world to dig into?
  • Pinning down your character arc (the change your protagonist undergoes)?
  • Coming up with something besides tropes and cliches?
  • Or something more elusive?

I have writing exercises for you, and will give feedback on what you come up with.

Note: This program requires you to do some of the work. I also will NOT be reading manuscript pages, only the material directly related to the exercise.


From $85 to $120 ($112 to $160 Canadian)

  • Best for those who struggle with a specific aspect of their story.
  • A writing exercise followed by written feedback (+ zoom calls if desired).
  • Most work intensive for you as the writer.


Writing exercise + comments:  $85 ($112 Canadian)

Writing exercise + comments and 1 zoom call: 
$100 ($132 Canadian)

Writing exercise + comments and 2 zoom calls:
$110 ($147 Canadian)

Writing exercise + comments and 3 zoom calls:
$120 ($160 Canadian)

direct feedback

- This is where I’ll read and provide feedback on your   

This is where I’ll read and provide feedback on your   

manuscript pages.   

Feel confident with the foundation of your story? Ready to move on to the nitty gritty?

We will discuss techniques such as:

  • The power of character choice
  • Show and tell
  • Finding your character’s goal in opening scenes
  • Objective and super-objective
  •  The patterns of dialogue
  • The different levels of antagonistic force... And more!


From $60 to $1,400 ($80 to $1,900 Canadian)

  • Best for those who are confident in the story they are writing and want specific, in-line feedback.
  • You can add a zoom call to any option for an additional $30 ($40 Canadian).


First chapter + comments:  $60 ($80 Canadian)

20 manuscript pages +comments:  $120 ($160 Canadian)

30 manuscript pages + comments: $150 ($200 Canadian)

60-80,000 word manuscript evaluation: $1,000 ($1,350 Canadian)

80-100,000 word manuscript evaluation: $1,200 ($1,600 Canadian)

100-120,000 word manuscript evaluation: $1,400 ($1,900 Canadian)

Prepping for Submission

-  This is where I help you craft a query letter

This is where I help you craft a query letter and synopsis, and prepare agents for you to submit to.

and synopsis, and prepare agents for you to submit to.

Ready to send your project out? I’ll help you with all the pesky details!

If you are not interested in finding an agent, we can work on the book blurb and other related material.

Note: This program is the most work-intensive for me, and has the highest price point.


From $75 to $750 ($100 to $1,000 Canadian)

  • Best for those confident in their manuscripts and ready to submit to agents/publishers.

  • For the agent list, I will be reading your entire manuscript, so it needs to be in top shape.


Query letter (3 rounds of edits): $75 ($100 Canadian)

Synopsis (3 rounds of edits):  $150 ($200 Canadian)

Query + Synopsis (3 rounds of edits): $200 ($267 Canadian)

Curated agent list: $700 ($950 Canadian)

Curated agent list + zoom call: $750 ($1,000 Canadian)

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this right for me?


Do you have a story taking up a good portion of your headspace? Are you excited to explore POVs that are different than yours? Do you want to have fun while working? Then this is for you!

How long will this take?


 It depends on which packet you choose.

· From initial query to beginning working together: 6-8 business days.

· Deep dive exercises: 2 weeks for you to complete the exercises, 1 week for me to provide feedback, total 3 weeks.

· Direct feedback: 2 weeks for me to provide an editorial letter and in-line feedback.

· Prepping for submission: anywhere from 3-8 weeks depending on the length of the manuscript.

What do I get?

What do I get?

· A discovery call to see if we are a good fit for each other.

· Instructions on how to prepare the material you will send.

· Deep dive package: writing exercises tailored to your needs.

· An editorial summary from me outlining the strengths of your work + areas for improvement/     further exploration.

· In-line comments and suggestions.

- Open communication through email.

· An opportunity to discuss your work over Zoom.

· A discussion of next steps, whether we continue to work together or you decide to strike out on your own.

What word processing programs will we use?

What word processing programs will we use?

All files should be sent as Microsoft word files. If you use Scrivener, you can export into Microsoft.

How will payment be processed?


 I will send you an invoice, and you will send payment through either Venmo or Zell.

Okay, I want in. What are the next steps?


Step 1: Submit the inquiry form with details about your project and writing style.

Step 2: I will review the information you provide, and respond within 2-3 business days with an invitation to setup a discovery call.

Step 3: During the discovery call, we will discuss exactly what you want to accomplish in our time together and how the process will go. If you feel we’re a good fit, I’ll send a follow-up email with payment details.

Step 4: Depending on which program you choose and how much support you may need, I will send the appropriate materials.

Step 5: You will send me your work when it is ready, and I will provide feedback. I will put comments within the document as well as provide a summary of the piece’s strengths and what I believe you need to work on.

Step 6 (optional): We will have a one-hour zoom meeting to discuss any insights/questions you have.

Step 7: If you enjoyed working with me and want to continue, you may choose another package or repeat the one we did.